Meghan Markle was given a ‘dressing down’ by the Queen over remarks about a dish she was served, according to Royal author

Meghan Markle was apparently given a stern talking to by the late Queen Elizabeth II over comments the Duchess made over a dish she was served.

The 2018 incident, which has recently resurfaced over the past few weeks, was recalled by royal author Katie Nicholl who alleged that the former Queen was not happy with her daughter-in-law after she made a “curt” comment to staff at Windsor Castle.

As perĀ The Daily Star, Nicholl said that Markle was taste-testing some of the food that was going to be served at her wedding reception when she “got very upset” over the taste of egg in one of the dishes.

Speaking to Yahoo’s Royal Box at the time, she recalled the 42-year-old being told that there was no egg in any of the meals being served, however, the former royal was adamant that she could taste it.

Credit: Robin L Marshall/FilmMagic/Getty

“Meghan got very upset when she felt that she could taste egg in a dish when she was told there was no egg in there, and she said, ‘No, I can taste it, I can taste there’s egg in this dish,'” Nicholl wrote.

Queen Elizabeth then walked into the room to the commotion and “quietly took Meghan to the side” where she was given a “dressing down”.

Credit: Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty

“The Royal Family does not speak to people like that,” the Queen allegedly told the former Suits star, as per Nicholl’s recollection.

“I think there was a bit of an upset when suddenly the Queen walked in, because of course, this was Windsor Castle, this is her home,” she added.

“And she just quietly took Meghan to the side and said, ‘Meghan, in this family we don’t speak to people like that,” the author said.

Credit: Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty

Of course, Meghan has since described her late grandmother-in-law as an “incredible woman” in following interviews, and theĀ Daily ExpressĀ even revealed that the Queen loaned Markle one of her personal tiaras for her wedding day.

At the time, Nicholl also reported that Markle and her husband, Prince Harry, would ā€œpush boundariesā€ after expanding their family.

ā€œThey’ll shake up tradition, they’ll push those Royal boundaries,ā€ the author said in 2019, a year after the couple tied the knot and Markle was pregnant with her first child, Archie.

ā€œI think there is every chance that the nanny could be American. I think it is probably quite likely that they are not going to be a Norland nanny. I don’t think that sort of traditionalism that we’ve seen with the Cambridges is the way the Sussexes want to go.

ā€œI’ve certainly heard that Harry, not just Meghan, would like to have a more relaxed approach to their parenting,” she added.

And they certainly have done that.

After relinquishing their royal titles, the pair packed up their belongings and moved to America in 2020 where they started their new lives together.

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The couple now lives in California and has no official UK residence, per theĀ BBC.

They also have a second child now – little Lilibet – who was born in 2021 and named after her late grandmother.