People think hidden detail in Meghan Markle’s dress is a direct ‘snub’ to the Royal Family

Meghan Markle’s choice of attire during her recent trip to Nigeria stirred up quite the buzz on the internet after social media sleuths spotted a hidden detail.

Along with husband Prince Harry, the 42-year-old former Suits star is currently enjoying a three-day trip in Nigeria following an invitation from the countryā€™s chief of defense staff.

On Friday (May 10), the Duchess of Sussex visited a local school in the country’s capital Abuja.

The couple was greeted by cheers, flowers, and signs reading ā€œWe Are Honored To Have Youā€. Local singers and dancers also put on an incredible performance that resulted in Markle shouting ā€œBravo!ā€

Markle looked radiant as she attended a school visit. Credit: Andrew Esiebo / Getty

During the visit, Markle wore a stunning blush pink gown by designer Heidi Merrick.

However, after social media users did some digging, some took issue with the fact that the gown is named ā€œWindsorā€ – the same name British royal house, from which, Markle and Prince Harry famously stepped away from in 2020.

Some speculated whether the choice was a subtle nod to the House of Windsor, while others perceived it as a deliberate ā€œsnubā€.

Some people thought the dress was a deliberate “snub”. Credit: Anadolu / Getty

One critical X user wrote: “But they have been trying to erase the Windsors from their lives completely, but here comes Mrs. Sussex wearing a dress called ā€˜Windsorā€™, haha!!”

Another royal fan remarked: “Done as a snub. DEFINITELY.”

A third added: ā€œMeghan Markle is desperate to have ties to Windsor name.Ā  Her strategic marriage and un-strategic moves since then have backfired.Ā  Like a dress with the name gives her the legitimacy that continues to elude her.ā€

While opinions varied, with some interpreting it as a strategic move and others dismissing it as mere coincidence, one individual stated, “Honestly, I think people read too much into this stuff. She wears a dress and suddenly itā€™s a secret message? Maybe she just liked the dress.”

Others believed it was purely a coincidence. Credit: Anadolu / Getty

Some social media users even went as far as slamming Markle for wearing the dress to a school, deeming it ā€œinappropriateā€.

The tiered silk gown, featuring intricate back cutout details, quickly sold out despite its hefty price tag of $1,350 when it was available, the New York Post reports.

Elsewhere on the trip, Markle revealed that she is 43% Nigerian after taking a genealogy test.

On Saturday (May 11), around 50 prominent women representing various sectors of Nigerian society ā€“ including politics, business, media, and culture ā€“ convened for the session.

“I am just flattered and honored and inspired. It has been a whirlwind 24 hours since we arrived, and I very quickly got the memo that I need to wear more color, so I can fit in with all of you and your incredible fashion,” Meghan remarked in her stunning red gown, per PEOPLE.

Meghan Markle speaking on a panel about women in leadership in Nigeria. Credit: Andrew Esiebo / Getty

Addressing the crowd, she expressed gratitude, saying: “I am very overwhelmed. So I want to start by saying thank you very much for just how gracious you’ve all been in welcoming my husband and I to this country,ā€ Meghan said, pausing briefly before adding: ā€My country.ā€

The former Suits star then revealed that she has learned that she is 43% Nigerian after taking a genealogy test.

Sharing her reaction to the news, she asid: “Being African-American, part of it is really not knowing so much about your lineage or background, where you come from specifically.

ā€œAnd it was exciting for both of us to discover more and understand what that really means.ā€