Surviving on the Streets Without Begging for Money

She lived without a home, but she didnā€™t ask for money. She held a note and asked people to read it. After 16 years, someone finally stopped to read it, and everything changed. Hereā€™s what the note said:

An 80-year-old woman named Wanda Ritter has a touching story to share with the world, and it has a happy ending.

Itā€™s been 16 years since Wanda last slept in her own bed at home. Many thought she was crazy because she kept saying that ā€œthe government owes her $100,000.ā€ She repeated it every day. She carried a suitcase filled with papers and unpaid checks, but no one paid attention. People assumed she was just another person with mental health issues.

Wanda used to work as a locksmith and was a mother to four children. On the streets of Washington, she kept insisting that the Social Security System owed her a lot of money.

ā€œI thought about getting rid of my documents,ā€ she said. ā€œI told myself that if I did something foolish, people would think I was insane.ā€

But everything changed when Julie Turner, a 56-year-old social worker, heard her story and became interested in her case. When she looked at the papers, she couldnā€™t believe it.

Wanda needed financial help, not mental health support. Turner pointed out that the government actually owed her $100,000.

However, how did Wanda understand the problem?

Wanda started receiving checks ranging from $300 to $900 every month. She didnā€™t cash these checks because she believed there was something wrong with them. Instead, she returned them. However, Ritter called Social Security Services to investigate the issue.

ā€œIf I had cashed them and claimed there was a mistake, who would have believed me?ā€ Ritter told local reporters. She believes that once she gets her case sorted out, she can resolve it.

With the help of the kind worker Julie Turner, Ritter found a $500 apartment.

A week after the news became widely known, Ritter received her first $1,644 check from Social Security.